Getting Over Hump Days

I feel like I've always done the most on Wednesdays, out of any other day of the work week. This past Wednesday (so... yesterday), during my lunch hour at work, I took the shuttle to the Walt Disney Studios with some people from another team. I think the more business-side jobs are here, along with the people who work on production in the stages and sets on campus. There was a rumor through the grapevine that Selena Gomez had been there the other day, so then I was trying to scope out if any stars were there that day. Alas, none were, but it was still cool seeing the studios here. Fun fact: the roof of the main building appears to be held up by the seven dwarves from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves as the revenue from the movie was what allowed Walt to build his empire.

After work, I got dinner with Charles at Hot Pot, Hot Pot in Monterey Park, which was SO GOOD. AMAZING. DELICIOUS. Words can't describe how much I miss having hot pot at home! Ordered so much food, but I think we were pretty successful in finishing most of it, to the point that it felt like I had food twins (instead of just a food baby).

The Seven Dwarves holding up the main building.

A hedge shaped like Mickey Mouse!

Tsingtaos while we waited for our food to cook.
Instead of passing out after hot pot from food coma, I then ended up seeing The Avengers (finally!) with Joon at the last showing time of 11 PM. Came back super tired (and then didn't want to wake up in the morning), but the movie was really good, so it was worth it!

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