Already Being Sentimental... Oy.

Funny thing that I just so happen to stalk Brenda's blog like a pro, and she also posted about a similar thing: I'm over halfway done with this internship this summer. It's a strange feeling -the first two weeks, I was still getting adjusted, and now it's week... seven, and it feels like 1.) I've been here forever, 2.) I'll be here forever. But the fact of the matter is... I won't be here forever. In fact, I'll be here for five more weeks. Five weeks seems like a lot, but considering I'm more than halfway done, it's unnerving. The people I've met here, the relationships I've built, and the project I've been working on, have been amazing, and I feel so lucky to have been able to have this opportunity.

And with that being said (and as the title implies), I should stop being so corny, because (as stated previously, but now in a more optimistic light...) I still have over a month left! And within that time, I will hopefully be also applying myself in the back-end applications (along with the front-end, UI stuff which I have been working on). I will try to learn as much as I can, see I as much I can, and do as much as I can. Anyway, there are still four more bagel Fridays, and probably at least (if not more) two team decompressions. These are little things, but little things often make the biggest difference. (But no, I am not saying that bagel Fridays are what make my experience here, heh).

Carpe Diem. (#YOLO). Seize the day.

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